If it is true that you are what you eat, why is it, dear queens, that we let any old, packaged, processed and cooked beyond recognition thing pass our lips? A royals diet should not be composed of such common foods as...well...anything processed and stuffed full of chemicals in a plastic package or anything from (heaven forbid) a fast food restaurant. Can you imagine the Queen of England pulling up her carriage to a McDonald's and ordering a Big Mac? I think not. We are royalty and must treat ourselves as such. As I've said before, learn to cook. There is no better meal than one prepared from scratch with quality organic ingredients. There is no substitute for fresh fruits and vegetables. There is nothing to gain from food that is so far from what it originally was that you can barely identify it.
I recently made an amazing Eggplant Parmesan with oven roasted eggplant, home made tomato sauce, ricotta, mozzarella and fresh basil. Instead of frying the eggplant, I simply topped the casserole with toasted bread crumbs and Parmesan. So much healthier and still as exquisite. And please, do not give me the "I don't have the time" excuse. Cook in large batches, package in individual servings and freeze. You'll have a wholesome, home cooked meal available any time.
In regards to the quality of the food you are buying, do yourselves a favor and watch the film Food Inc....it will change your life...and your diet.
We are not common, why act as if?
(Super Size Me, No Impact Man and Fast Food Nation get honorable mention)
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