Gossip. It is a nasty, nasty thing. It changes perceptions, tears down friendships and relationships and is just a plain un-ladylike thing to do. We are all guilty of it. I am no saint when it comes to the latest news about, well...anything. We all want to know everything about everyone. Here's my question, and God, please don't let it be true...are we really that bored with our lives that we have the insatiable urge to be so ingrained in the lives of others? Does it really make a difference in my life if I know about who's cheating on whom or which lady is not keeping down her lunch in order to lose those last five pounds? It's none of my business. It's not yours either. I have had plenty of untrue rumors flying about me in the past and they were perpetuated by my supposed friends (ok, so some of them were actually pretty funny...like the one where I was sleeping with this little troll of a man, as if!) but the point is that we all have our dirt and I'm pretty sure that we want to keep our dirt were it belongs. We are in no place to play Miss Nasty Judge and Jury to anyone but ourselves. So my lovely ladies, we all live in glass castles, none of should be throwing stones.
troll of a man? hahaha. Too funny.