So, let's see how I did, shall we?
1. Attend 'A Christmas Carol' at The Wells Theatre. (I watched Scrooged twice instead.)
2. Build a gingerbread house. (Done. FYI, if you do this with little ones, they will spend more time sucking the icing out of the bag than decorating the house.)
3. Buy some mistletoe. Make out under it. (I remember making out and I am pretty sure mistletoe was involved...and rum.)
4. Decorate the outside of my house. (There is always next year..)
5. Spend more time 'dressed up' than 'dressed down'. (Pretty sure I spent all of Christmas day in my p.j.s but overall I feel good about this one.)
6. Holiday shop at Kitsch, Etsy, and other handmade markets to support local artisans. (Thanks to my friend Ashley's pop up shop, this is a yes.)
7. Give the mailman a plate of homemade cookies. (Thank God I still have a few days of Christmas left.)
8. Send Christmas cards. (Done.)
9. FaceTime my family instead of texting them. (Done.)
10. Make edible Christmas gifts. (Cranberry Bars and Almond Toffee ingredients are laid out and ready to be made.)
11. Go iceskating. (Does watching a live Flyers game count?)
12. Attend a Christmas home tour. (I did tour my cousin Anthony's house and my friend Joe's house.)
13. Surprise someone with an unexpected gift. (Done, a few times over.)
14. Pay for the car behind me in the Starbucks drive-thru. (Ten days left.)
15. Keep a stack of dollars in my purse for the Salvation Army bell-ringers. (Done. This really came in handy, by the way.)
16. Take Christmas treats to my neighbors. (Ten days left.)
17. Keep my bird feeders full. (Done...sporadically, but done nonetheless.)
18. Read The Sorcerer's Stone (Read Grendel instead. Not sure it fed my sense of wonder but it kept my humility in check.)
19. Turn my phone off while visiting with friends and family. (I kept it face down, on mute for the most part.)
20. Spend more time as a reveler and less time as a consumer. (Shopping kept to a happy minimum.)
Overall, I think I did pretty good for as busy as this month has been. Luckily, there are a few more days to enjoy and a few more visitors to host. I hope your holidays were warm and bright, but if not, fell free to stop by for a visit. You have at least ten more days.
Merry Christmas my darlings.
Overall, I think I did pretty good for as busy as this month has been. Luckily, there are a few more days to enjoy and a few more visitors to host. I hope your holidays were warm and bright, but if not, fell free to stop by for a visit. You have at least ten more days.
Merry Christmas my darlings.